I can't believe it's almost May now ! Very soon we will all be buying Christmas presents and celebrating New Years. How very fast has time passed. Which also reminds me that I should start planning the races I want to do this year. Which also means I should put a running plan with goals together to keep me motivated. I have to confess that I did not go for my Sunday long run just because I didn't feel like it. Shame. It was not a good feeling although I didn't feel too guilty. I was just restless and bothered the whole day and it kinda spoilt my Sunday. Note to self: don't skip another Sunday long run unless I have a very good reason like being knighted by The Queen.
Which is highly unlikely.
This photo will keep me motivated although I believe you don't get a strong back like her by running alone. I will be less wimpy when I do my pull downs in the gym next and whinge less when back hurts after weight training.
Image source: Lululemon Britomart Auckland |
I have signed up for adidas Auckland Half Marathon in October and also considering doing North Shore Half Marathon and the Taupo Half Marathon in August. There were a few 10km races around town but the routes are really boring and if I have to pay to run laps in a park, I can do it myself for free. My goal this year is to finish a half marathon in less than 2:10. I guess I may be able to achieve this but I just need to be smarter and more focused with my training.
One of the running plan I am considering now is from Run Less Run Faster aka FIRST training . The plan focuses on three quality running per week and relatively low mileage compared to many other training plans and by doing so, reduces the risk of over-training and injuries. On top of the three running sessions, you will need to complement the training with two cross-training sessions which will increase your fitness but not be too stressful on your legs. Sounds very good to me.
I might try this plan out because it looks achievable and not too complicated to follow plus I have read some forums on Runners World where some people claimed that they shaved off 15-20 minutes off the last PR.Last year I bought Jack Daniels' Running Formula and it was just too technical and complicated to follow. I may use it one day when I am more advanced.
Until I get my running sorted, I will indulge with some treats from little&friday. They definitely have the best cakes in town. My orange rosewater cake and bread & butter pudding. This also reminds me why I do not have the same back of the woman in the photo above. Sigh.