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Sunday 29 July 2007

Black Cherry Cream Cheese Souffle in Filo Basket

I know I have been too lazy with updating my postings. Have been so occupied lately. Ok...i am going to share one of my rather successful invention this time. I had quite a difficult time to give this a name. What happened was I bought some filo pastries and then, using a muffin tray, I filled it up with a simple cheesecake mixture. I wanted a light and soft cheesecake base so I used the Philadelphia light cream cheese . I am not really a health freak/ compulsive dieter but I wanted to just try to make a cheesecake that doesn't weight you down after a piece or two.If anyone is interested I will post the recipe here later because I didn't really measure my ingredients ( as always!!). The filo pastry gives it a light and crunchy texture before your teeth sinks into the soft creamy cheesecake. I will try these again in summer when fresh cherries and other berries are abundant. This is a pretty easy recipe and takes only about 30 mins preparation time. The most tedious part is just to cut up those filmsy filo pastries and layering it nicely. Baking time is about 25-30 mins depending on your preference of the 'browness' of the filo basket. I have tried using egg tart trays to hold the filo and the cream cheesecake but it doesn't hold that well since but if you prefer it so, give it a try or with any other trays/ moulds that you have.
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